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Sweet flavor and a crunchy bite make kohlrabi a choice pick for summer slaws. Best yet, you can prepare most recipes a day ahead, making this veg a prize for meal prep year round.
Flavor & Preparation
We’re supposed to love all of our Maple View Farm veg equally, but if we’re honest, kohlrabi is one of our top five favorites. It shines no matter how we use it, and always adds a touch of the unexpected that leaves friends and families coming back for more.
It may look like an alien bulb, but kohlrabi tastes remarkably like apples. Actually, it falls somewhere between brussels sprouts and apple (hear us out!); once you cut into it, the texture is that of a firm apple, and the flavor is a mix of mild pepper with sweet undertones.
All parts of kohlrabi are edible! Use the leaves in salads or as a sandwich topping to add a hint of peppery aroma, and cut up the bulb to make our all-time favorite slaw (see below for the recipe!).
To prepare the bulb, remove the leaves and outer layer (cut the bulb in half and then cut off the ‘skin’ to leave you the juicy, sweeter center). We like to julienne it and either use it on its own, or mix it 50:50 with similarly prepared apple. The sweet and crunchy mix can be eaten as is, or mixed with herbs and dressing for a knock out. If you’re more of a savory fan, try mixing it with shredded broccoli stems or brussel sprouts.
The whole bulb will last a few weeks in the refrigerator, and prepared salads will last several days. We like to prepare a few bulbs during meal prep and use it as a side all week long.
Health Benefits
Kohlrabi is a cruciferous vegetable, cousin to brussel sprouts and broccoli, and is packed with the same nutrients, albeit in a sweeter package!
This powerhouse has your full daily dose of Vitamin C, as well as cancer-fighting phytochemicals
You’ll also find Vitamin A and Vitamin B (including B6) in this super veg