Washing + Storing Greens
Taking a few minutes to wash and store your greens will help them stay crisp all week and makes express salad prep a breeze.
What you’ll need
[Optional] Produce storage bag:
Fill a large bowl, pot, or sink with clean cold water
Place leaves into water
For bagged leaves, empty straight from the bag into water
For produce heads (frisee, head lettuce, escarole, etc.) separate by cutting off the bottom of the bulb and peeling leaves apart before placing in water
For head you want to eat whole (e.g. bok choy, endive), remove bottom of stem and place in water as-is
Agitate leaves in water for 30-60 seconds (we just use our hands to do this!)
Let sit for 10 minutes to allow sediment to drop
If any soil remains, repeat steps 3 and 4 once or twice more
Gently remove leaves (try not to stir up the water in order to keep sediment still) and dry
We use a salad spinner to speed up this step
You can also pat them dry, or let them air dry on towels for a few minutes before storing
Store leaves in crisper drawer of the refrigerator set to high humidity (that’s what the little slider above your drawer does — adjusts humidity level to accommodate different types of produce)
Using produce storage bags can help extend the life of veggies by more carefully controlling moisture content; a few of our favorite options are listed at the top of the page
For a quick DIY option, use cotton cloth bags (often made of muslin)