Eat Healthy | Eat Local | Be Well
Tender and elegant, eggplant is a show-stopper. Put these beauties to work in your favorite summer delicacies to impress your dinner guests!
Flavor & Preparation
We grow a variety of eggplant known for it’s distinctive shape and tender consistency, that is quicker to cook than a traditional eggplant, making it the ideal choice for summer dinners.
Prepping eggplant varies from a simple process (wash and slice) to complex (roasting and removing the “meat”), depending on your recipe. In general, wash gently under cool water and remove the stem prior to use.
Eggplant can be eaten raw — just slice it as you would any other veggie chip — and will have a slightly bitter flavor with a pleasantly spongy texture. Once cooked, the flavor loses its bitterness and deepens into a rich sweetness with a silky texture.
Eggplant will keep in the refrigerator for 5 to 7 days. It does best when placed unwashed in a plastic bag in the crisper drawer. Take care not to squish it in, as damaging the outer skin will reduce its shelf life considerably.
Health Benefits
Contains nasunin, a compound that protects cell membranes in the brain
An excellent source of healthy dietary fiber
Aids healing of stomach ulcers
Packed with copper and manganese
Our Favorite Recipes
Miso Roasted Eggplant
coming soon
Baba Ganoush
coming soon