Eat Healthy | Eat Local | Be Well
One of the most nutritous , versatile, and tasty greens we grow. Make a fresh salad (massaged, of course), kale chips, put it in a smoothie, or toss it in any of your soups or hot side dishes.
Mature kale (sold as bunched kale) will keep well for several days, but you can extend this to a week by washing and storing leaves the day you bring them home.
Flavor & Preparation
Kale is known for its bright green, sturdy leaves that carry an earthy flavor. Depending on the variety (and your individual palate!), the flavor will range from sweet to slightly bitter. Unlike many other greens, kale maintains its size and texture through cooking and makes an excellent addition to stir fries.
Mature leaves usually come bunched. After cleaning, slice down the middle and remove the sturdy central rib. Then either tear or slice into desired size for your recipe.
For salads and other raw preparations, massaging or marinating leaves will bring out their natural sweetness:
Hold a handful of leaves between both hands and rub them together gently
Add a drizzle of olive oil, squirt of lemon juice, and a pinch of salt for added effect
Dress leaves with a citrus and oil dressing 12-24 hours ahead of time and refrigerate until you are ready to complete your dish and serve
Unlike other greens, kale leaves will hold up to this marinade exceptionally well — coming out yummier with a nicer texture than they started. It makes prepping food for the week easy when you can make a salad that lasts for a few days!
Baby Kale
The sweeter, tender version of its big brother. No need to massage or marinade these leaves — baby kale is ready to eat as-is and shines with robust dressings, or mixed into dips for added flavor.
Health Benefits
Kale has long been admired for its nutrients — try adding it to smoothies for a boost
High (for greens) in protein
Packed with calcium, iron, fiber, Vitamin A, and Vitamin C (it has more immune-boosting Vitamin C than any other greens!)
Our Favorite Recipes
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